The olive oils we offer are of excellent quality and we can guarantee that!
The designation “Virgin” in olive oil is of particular importance as it means that it is produced naturally without the use of additives or other preservatives and its acidity ranges from 0.80% to 2%.
In “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” both its quality characteristics such as acidity and its organoleptic properties such as taste and color are EXCELLENT. Its acidity ranges up to 0.80% and its aroma is described as intensely fruity.
We are very proud of our “ Extra Virgin Olive Oil” , a product that could be described as a trademark of our family business and is the best we could offer you!
We would like to see this final product that we offer you as EXCELLENT just like we do and get to know the whole process before you decide if it is finally worth trying to accompany your meals in special moments of your life.
And what moments could be described as exceptional if not the meals you share with your loved ones such as family and friends!
But it all starts in our case with the “Extra Virgin Early Harvest Olive Oil” !
“ Extra Virgin Early Harvest Olive Oil” is the natural oil that comes from crushing the grains that have not yet wrinkled and retain their green color. Its acidity ranges up to 0.3%.
Green olives contain less oil than the more ripe ones and require almost twice as much raw material as other oils.
Early Harvest Olive Oil or “first oil” stands out because it has a rich, fruity, spicy smell, but also a characteristic bitter taste. Available in limited quantities and has a limited shelf life of up to 6 months. In fact, it is produced relatively early, before the olives ripen, which are unripe and green. As time goes on, fresh olive oil loses its intense flavor but not its nutrients.
Not all fresh olive oils are called Early Harvest olive oil, except that which is produced from raw unripe olives!
Production Process
The management process that we follow from the harvest of the olive fruit to the bottling of the olive oil is the one that demonstrates the quality of the final product that is produced.
Since 2012, the Halkidiki green olive has been characterized as a PDO product, a fact that helped to expand the implementation of an integrated product management system.
Our olive oil and olives come exclusively from the olive groves of the family from fruits of the indigenous varieties Chondrolia of Halkidiki and are products of the current harvest.
The olives are harvested by hand one by one at the beginning of September and the fruit is delivered within 24 hours at the latest to the cooperating certified olive mill where the process of “cold” kneading is followed and without the addition of water, at room temperature, to produce the olive oil.
The olive harvest from the tree gives high quality fruit. Great care is taken in this process in order to collect the fruit without bumps, marks or other abrasions to ensure high quality oil with very low acidity.
After harvesting the fruits are placed in plastic boxes with holes, which ensure good ventilation and avoid high temperatures.
Our olive oil and olives come exclusively from the family’s olive groves and are products of the current harvest.
Simple precipitation is used to filter this kind of oil in order to retain all its aromas, flavors and phenolic ingredients.
These are the most important principles that we strictly adhere to in order to ensure the low acidity and consequently the excellent quality of our olive oil.
Olive oil has no preservatives.
Packed in dark bottles to prevent any deterioration or oxidation.
It can be stored for up to 18 months from the time of production if properly maintained.
Avoid exposure to sunlight, strong light, heat and store in a dark, dry place with a temperature of 10-18 o.